Sunday, August 24, 2008


Well, cant say I was rapt with the effort. Although the course didnt look that tough, the hills really got to me.

In the end theres not much I can do about it. The last 5 weeks training has been up and down. I had 2 weeks off with an Achilles problem and then the last 3 weeks have been a struggle to find any rythym.

My times was 6 seconds off what I predicted before hand, yet my place wasnt even close. I guess you cant have your cake and eat it too.

Had some "discussions" with Aths Tas regarding the non existance of uniforms and the poor fitting of the ones that were available. Some interesting comments made by our Team Manager who said that "even the Olympic team have uniforms that dont fit". Is that not the biggest load of frogshit you have ever heard??

When our Team Manager discovered that I didnt have a uniform, he asked what I was planning to wear. When I replied "red Saucony singlet" his response was, "do you think thats appropriate?" I wont publish my response.

Aths Tas have some serious issues that need to be dealt with. Priorities are all wrong for a start. The refuse to pay the "All Schools Levy" which meant that any Tassie All Schools competitor was not eligible for a medal if they placed in the top 3. That being the case, why spend thousands of dollars running the "Tas All Schools Champs" when really its just a waste of time. All the Tassie kids running at Nats were really just there for the hell of it because if they had won (we had one top 3 place getter) they would have got no recognition for it!!! BIZARRE.

The best part is that AT made all the parents pay the All Schools Levy as part of their entry fee yet AT arent a member of the All Schools. So where does this money go????? Hmmmm..... one wonders.

Enough AT bashing for now, Im sure there will be more to come.


ads said...

So what was the end result 3AW?

Aint bureaucracy a wonderful thing? This sounds like a typical scenario in amateur sport, where officialdom (generally frustrated non-athletes or power players) seek to hold the upper hand against those who make the sport (IE the athletes). Hang in there old chap, you'll be flying again in no time.

Stu hasn't hit you up yet about running the Tan relay has he?

Stu Mac said...

It was GREAT to catch up with you on Sat, a BIG congrats to you for being selected for the Tasmanian team (réd or green, you knew).

I was very shocked to read that about the School levy, that is DISGRACEFUL and every parent should be COMPLAINING big time.

It would be great if we could see you in the navy blue with a red & yellow sash,. But maybe we will see you in a Team Management capacity at an AV venue with a group of Tassie kids!!!