Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Handicap Season

Launceston Athletic Clubs winter season starts on Saturday at Riverside pool. Given that I don't want to venture too far from what our program says, I plan to incorporate the 5km into my tempo run. So, I will run from home and then race the 5k. The trip from home should take about 45 minutes so no doubt the 5k will hurt a little ;-)

On top of that, not only is it a Handicap event but its 4 laps of a 1.25km loop. By the time I get going, the front markers will have already completed their 1st lap. So not only do I have to catch them, I then have to gain another lap as well.

Ran some 1k reps last night with young Patty. Patty is running a 5000m on Friday night out at the track and is aiming to run around 15:40ish solo. Therefore his aim last night was to run 3 x 1k @ 3:08 with 90s recovery. Unfortunately, I had to do 6. Pretty easy session for Patty considering he normally reps in around 3min. His times were 3:07, 3:08 & 3:06. Now he just needs to put it into a race. He is capable but is yet to discover it for himself. He can comfortably run reps at 3min pace (2:40 flat out) but struggles to run to that standard in a race situation. At the moment he is more of a time trialler than racer but his time will come.

The new Saucony kit arrived recently and looks very good. I thought last years was hot but its get better in '09.

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