Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Getting Stronger

Completed my first one hour run on Sunday. I have been adding 5 minutes to my Sunday run each week for the last 6 weeks and finally got the hour on Sunday. The plan is to add 5 minutes each week until the end of January when it should be around 90 minutes and then keep it at that.

My Tempo run on Saturday turned into a flat out TT. I just missed 17 minutes and I know exactly where I lost those few seconds. I was 2 seconds ahead at 4km but lost it in the last k. My HR was 181 for the trip which is a lot higher than the planned 175, but at least I know where I need to improve.

The next 2 weeks will all be long reps @ tempo with short recoveries, and I will increase my weekly tempo run to about 30 minutes.

Ran the 6 x 1 minute with 1 minute float tonight and made it back to the start (out & back course) which is a good sign. Last week I missed the start point by about 50 metres. I also felt a lot better this time around. This is another session I will increase over the next few weeks.

Unfortunately the Vic Champs fall on the same weekend as the Tas 3000m Champs here in Launceston. I was hoping to run the Tas Champs and then try a Steeple at the Vic but its not to be. Given that the actual Tas T&F Champs arent until the week after the Nationals in March, it looks like I wont run a Steeple until then. Maybe an Interclub before that but not too sure. See how things pan out.

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