Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tan Run

Ran an east 2 laps of the Tan last night in around 31 minutes and felt very good. Picked it up over the last 2km and finished off in 6:37 feeling as though I had a bit left in the tank.

Meeting up with Chris Newman (aka Cuddles) from the Freedom Machine bike shop for brekky tomorrow. The big fella has looked after me quite well over the last 2 years or so with my bike gear. Cant say I repaid the faith all that well. Didnt exactly win any races wearing the Green & Black, and spent more time gobbing off at morons behind the wheel of cars who have a total disregard for cyclists!!

Cuddles is the dude on the left in the pic, I am on the right. You will have to excuse Rustys shoulder. Rusty took this picover his shoulder while we were climbing Falls Creek. He obviously had more energy than Cuddles and I.

Anyway, I'm bored now.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.