Sunday, September 9, 2007

Scorpions & Track Sessions

Decided to have a clean up around the backyard yesterday and in the space of an hour found 5 Scorpions, all of which were about 3 - 4 cms long. I had a quick look on the net and discovered that while they give a nasty sting they are not poisonous. Thank f#@* for that!!!! The little buggas are everywhere around here, and any that venture to close to me can expect to die very quickly.

Headed to the track in the afternoon to do a session and rolled out 6 x 200m with 200 jog recovery. Felt pretty good throughout and felt I could have knocked over a few more. Average time was 34s which was about what I expected. Pretty soon I expect to be doing this session in 27s but its early days yet.

I ran into Kim Gillard at the track. He has had the last 8 weeks off with a Groin injury and is hoping to start back again this week. The plan is to catch up sometime this week for an easy run.

Pulled up well this morning with no soreness however I did have very heavy legs in my 20 minute run this arvo. I had planned to do 30 minutes but cut it short. Still, consistency is the key and running every day is a good start.

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